Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quick Update!

Hey there, I apologize that it's been a few weeks since I've posted. I've been busy with my two teaching certificate courses I've been taking this spring semester, and fortunately by God's grace I've finished my take-home finals in both of those classes. I just gotta turn in my take-home final exam for the Reading Processes and Acquisition course that I take on Wednesday evenings, and then I'm done for this spring semester! The work has been time consuming and the homework certainly seems to have picked up since I got back from the Mission: Mississippi trip over spring break!
Running has been going pretty solid for the most part. I've run a couple of 5K's and an 8K recently, and I had a nice speed workout yesterday at Centennial High School's outdoor track in Ellicott City (Howard County), Maryland, where I ran two 600's (in 1:56 and 1:52 respectively), followed by two 1/4-mile repeats (1:18 and then 1:13), with 2.5 minutes rest approximately between the 600's, and approximately 2 minutes between the 400's. That's been my best speed workout in a long time; at least since I got back to running from my break a coupla months back. I'm hoping to do a 5K or two this weekend.
Kay (my girlfriend) and I seem to be doing well in starting out on our relationship. We are coming up on our one-month anniversary, and we've been having a lot of fun! Looking forward to what God has in store with that as well as other things :)
Thanks for checking up. I hope to post again with more details on recent races I've done. Enjoy :)

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