Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Go Ravens!!!! Even though they aren't going to the Superbowl this year...

Baltimore Ravens' primary team logo used since 1999. Image from

...they still had one heck of a season in my opinion.

As some of you know, I'm not really all that into sports and especially watching them on t.v. often. Nothing against them, I just did not grow up much of an athlete in my opinion (and I know you think this is quite ironic since I'm writing about this on a running-related blog). Outside of running/races and pick-up games here and there, I don't really do much else with sports. When I was a kid and probably a lot of my peers were either playing sports or watching them with family and friends, I sorta did other things like play with action figures, draw/comics, write, read, watch shows/movies, play video games, build forts indoors and outdoors. Then as I got older to this present time, running and racing became a large part of that mix (especially in recent years of course). Needless to say, I guess I haven't let sports play that much of a role in my life, and usually if they were on t.v., I would typically be more interested in an interesting movie and/or shows on t.v. Usually the only thing I would watch on t.v. on a fairly consistent basis is the Super Bowl every winter, and sometimes the playoff games leading up to it if they are interesting (or if I have enough time to watch them).

Yet, with this said, I can still say with confidence that the Baltimore Ravens had one of their better seasons to-date, this past season. Yea, the Pittsburgh Steelers beat them in the playoffs last Sunday, and now they are ousted from the running to the Super Bowl, but that still does not change the fact that they got as far as they did and had a terrific season along the way!! Plus, the Steelers are a very tough team and I've heard they have quite a few Super Bowl titles, so I'm glad Ravens at least lost playing hard against a challenging opponent.

I think at this point, I'll prolly end up rootin' for the Arizona Cardinals in this upcoming Super Bowl, and one of the big reasons is that it looks like they are going to be the underdogs. I think it will be a very interesting game for sure, and I think one of the first football teams I heard about as a little kid was the Arizona Cardinals. I also have relatives from Arizona, so I'm sure they would be happy for my support as well.More importantly, I'll pray that God lifts up the team who He wants to have win. No matter what it is comforting to know that He is still on His throne and very much in control!

This season I realized something very obvious (and please I'm not tryin' to be corny): The Baltimore Ravens are Maryland's only professional football team!!!! Some states don't even have any, so we are fortunate to have one, in my opinion. Maryland, with all twenty-three of its counties as well as Baltimore City itself (all of them I have recently run a race in), has a football team that did so well this season that it went far into the playoffs and got about as close as it could to making it to the Super Bowl. Running a race in all of Maryland' s counties these past couple of years has certainly deepened my appreciation of being from Maryland as well as its sports teams. That said, I do not think I have ever been more proud to openly call myself a Baltimore Ravens fan then I have these days, and I would say the same thing even if they were having a relatively lousy season.

So with all that said, perhaps maybe I am not so out-of-place in saying that the Baltimore Ravens had a terrific season after all ;)

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