Monday, December 21, 2009

More snow!!!!

Wow! I know where I live in Baltimore County, Maryland, we got about nineteen inches (which is well over a foot)! I think this is more snow than I have seen in over ten years. I think the last time that I saw this much snow was when I was a sixth grader during the Blizzard of '96, when I do believe we got over two feet!

I am not going to lie, even though this heavy snow has been hard on others, I think it has been good for me not having to go anywhere or do any races. Being "snowed in" has forced me to take time to sleep a little more and even chill out and watch t.v. with my roommates (and by myself). I really enjoy these more family-based, light-hearted movies that come on around Christmastime and the holidays in general. I also got to go to an Eastern Orthodox church with one of my roommates (my first time I have been to a church service with that particular Christian denomination). I liked how it seemed historically and scripturally rich. The inside of the church had a lot of pretty decorations, and the particular incenses there certainly did much to stimulate the senses. I was grateful for the experience, and even more grateful to have a ride to church with my roommate and his fiancee, when I am sure many others were closed. It was great to come together with other siblings in Christ and worship God!

I have not run since Thursday (and I am glad I did not have any races planned this weekend). I would have liked to have gotten some good running in this weekend, but even if I ran through this thick, powdery snow, I don't think it would make for a good workout (not too mention I would have had to dodge all this ice). God-willing, I hope to get a little bit of a slower run in outside, if not on the local indoor track or even a treadmill (even though I would normally prefer running off of a treadmill than on one). Still, I want to work out. At least the shoveling I have done these past few days has given me a good lifting and cardio workout!

I really enjoy the extra sleep I have been getting. I woke up Saturday morning having slept for over eight hours!! Wow! I do not believe I have slept that much in one night since I had overslept on Saturday, July 4th for the Rock Hall Flat Five in Rock Hall (Kent County), MD. I obviously did not make that flat five-mile race as I was almost two hours away from that Maryland Eastern Shore race, and I had woken up minutes before that. And before I had overslept, I could not remember the last time I had slept close to eight hours. It felt good, and God-wiling it will do my body good!

If I can get about 2-3 miles worth of running in tomorrow (be indoors or outdoors), I would be happy with that (even if it is a little less than that). We shall see what happens with that. Until then, I wish you all a safe and warm season as we enter into winter :)

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